

  • Beacon Peace 简介:您的终极户外家具解决方案
    Sep 07, 2023
    欢迎来到 Beacon Peace,这里是高品质户外家具的首选目的地。凭借对工艺的承诺和对创造卓越户外体验的热情,我们为提供各种精美的家具而感到自豪,这些家具重新定义了舒适性、风格和耐用性。 在Beacon Peace,我们相信户外空间应该是您家的延伸——一个您可以放松、娱乐并与大自然联系的避难所。这就是为什么我们精心设计和制造每件家具,注重细节,只使用最好的材料和创新技术。 我们的产品目录展示了各种户外家具,包括庭院套件、休闲椅、餐桌、遮阳伞和配件。每件产品都经过精心制作,能够承受不断变化的元素,同时提供无与伦比的舒适和优雅。 卓越品质:我们在品质上从不妥协。我们的家具经久耐用,采用坚固的框架、耐候材料和防紫外线饰面。您可以相信我们的产品将经受时间的考验并保持其美观和功能。我们有3名专业QC,他们在户外家具领域拥有丰富的经验。所有生产线都有质量控制。全检,包括生产前原材料质检、生产中质检、成品出货前质检卓越的设计:从时尚的现代设计到永恒的经典,我们的产品经过精心制作,可增强任何户外空间并体现您的个人风格。无与伦比的舒适度:我们了解户外家具舒适度的重要性。我们的座椅选择符合人体工程学设计,配有坐垫和符合人体工程学的曲线,可提供最佳的支撑和放松。可持续方法:作为环境管理者,我们致力于可持续实践。我们精心挑选环保且来源可靠的材料。通过选择 Beacon Peace,您可以享受户外绿洲,因为您知道自己做出了可持续的选择。卓越的服务:我们坚信自始至终提供卓越的客户体验。我们知识渊博且友好的团队致力于帮助您找到满足您需求的完美家具,并在整个购买过程中提供个性化指导。发现 Beacon Peace 的与众不同,将您的户外空间变成和平与安宁的天堂。无论您是要打造一个适合亲密聚会的舒适角落,还是一个大型户外娱乐区,我们的家具都将提升您的户外生活体验。 探索 我们的网站 浏览我们令人惊叹的系列,从我们的设计技巧中收集灵感,并发现最新的行业趋势。如需咨询或帮助,请随时联系 联系我们的团队。 Beacon Peace 拥抱户外生活,将时尚与宁静融为一体。
  • 用时尚耐用的户外家具增强您的工程项目
    Sep 15, 2023
    广州市灯塔和平家居装饰有限公司作为高品质户外家具的供应商,我们深知为客户的户外项目创造诱人、舒适的户外空间的重要性。在这篇文章中,我想介绍我们的产品,并重点介绍使它们成为工程项目绝佳选择的主要功能和优点。  1. 耐久性和耐候性:我们的户外家具采用耐用材料制成,这些材料经过专门设计,可以承受恶劣的环境。我们只采购最优质的材料,如柚木、铝和合成藤,这些材料以其卓越的耐用性和耐候性而闻名。这可以确保您客户的户外家具即使在恶劣的气候下也能在未来几年内保持其吸引力和功能性。 2. 时尚、多功能的设计:我们为提供各种时尚和多功能的设计而感到自豪,这些设计可以补充任何户外空间或设计理念。无论您的客户是寻找时尚现代的设计,还是传统乡村风格,我们都有多种户外家具可供选择,以满足他们的喜好。我们的目标是提供增强任何项目美感的选择。 3. 舒适度和人体工程学:对于户外家具来说,舒适度至关重要。我们的产品在设计时考虑了人体工程学,确保最佳的支撑和放松。我们提供多种座椅选择,包括椅子、躺椅、沙发和餐桌椅,所有座椅均配有专为户外使用而设计的舒适坐垫。您的客户可以放心,他们的客人将能够舒适地享受户外空间。 4. 定制化和灵活性:我们了解每个项目都有其独特的要求。这就是为什么我们提供定制选项,让您可以定制我们的户外家具,以满足客户项目的特定需求。从选择完美的坐垫面料到调整家具尺寸,我们致力于提供满足客户愿景的个性化体验。 5. 有竞争力的价格和可靠的服务:我们努力在不影响质量的情况下提供有竞争力的价格。我们对客户满意度的承诺意味着我们提供可靠的服务,从及时交货到售后支持。我们重视与工程企业的合作伙伴关系,并致力于建立基于信任、可靠和共同成功的长期关系。我们对我们的质量非常有信心,可以提供全面的检验服务,并通过视频或图片向客户发送所有过程。 为您的工程项目选择合适的户外家具对于创造诱人且实用的户外空间至关重要。我们提供一系列耐用、时尚、舒适的家具,加上我们致力于定制和可靠的服务,使我们成为满足您户外家具需求的绝佳选择。我们很乐意提供更多信息,回答您可能有的任何问题,或安排会议来讨论我们的产品如何增强您的项目。感谢您抽出时间,我们期待有机会合作。我们的网站: https://www.beaconpeaceoutdoorfurniture.com/我们的阿里巴巴店铺: https://beaconpeace.en.alibaba.com/ 
  • 现代柳条户外转角沙发:以时尚和舒适提升您的户外空间
    Sep 28, 2023
    介绍 现代柳条户外转角沙发 BP3381是 Beacon Peace 户外家具系列的杰出补充。这款 L 形组合沙发旨在提升您的户外空间,并为您的露台或花园提供无与伦比的舒适度和风格。 这款户外沙发经过精心打造,采用耐用的柳条结构,兼具优雅和弹性。使用的高品质材料确保其能够承受各种天气条件,使其成为户外使用的完美选择。 这款转角沙发采用宽敞且多功能的设计,为您和您的客人提供充足的座位空间。无论您是举办聚会还是只是在户外享受安静的夜晚,分段设计都可以轻松布置和定制,以满足您的需求。 沙发的坐垫在制作时考虑到了最大的舒适度。它们配有宽敞的衬垫,提供豪华的座椅体验,让您享受数小时的放松和享受。坐垫采用优质面料制成,触感柔软且不易褪色,确保持久美观。 此外,这款户外沙发的现代设计可与任何户外环境无缝融合,为您的户外空间增添一抹现代精致感。中性色调可以轻松与现有装饰协调,也可以自由营造清新诱人的氛围。 在 和平灯塔户外家具,我们为提供卓越的品质和设计而感到自豪。我们对卓越和客户满意度的承诺体现在我们产品的各个方面。这款现代柳条户外转角沙发也不例外,它兼具耐用性、舒适性和时尚感,可增强您的户外生活体验。 添加这款精致的 L 形组合户外沙发,将您的庭院或花园变成放松和娱乐的天堂。请访问我们的网站: https://www.beaconpeaceoutdoorfurniture.com/ 探索我们的系列,将户外舒适和优雅的缩影带回家。
  • 在 BeaconPeaceOutdoorFurniture.com 探索优质户外家具
    Oct 15, 2023
    以下是我们网站的介绍,https://www.beaconpeaceoutdoorfurniture.com/: 欢迎来到灯塔和平户外家具!我们的网站提供各种现代时尚的户外露台家具,以增强户外生活体验。 在和平灯塔,我们相信户外空间应该是风格和个性的延伸。这就是为什么我们专注于提供集舒适与美观于一体的高品质户外家具。 在我们的网站上,您会找到各种露台座椅家具,包括户外休闲沙发、露台餐厅和椅子套件、日光躺椅、遮阳伞等,旨在为您的花园或露台区域带来现代和优雅的感觉。我们的家具具有简洁的线条、时尚的设计和简约的风格,可无缝融入任何户外环境。 耐用性是我们的首要任务,这就是为什么我们所有的家具都能承受恶劣的环境。我们的户外休闲沙发采用耐用材料制成,可承受恶劣的天气条件,确保持久的性能和享受。 无论您是有打造舒适户外场所的工程需求,还是想要批发销售,我们的户外家具套装都能满足您的需求。我们的现代设计注重舒适性和功能性,提供充足的座椅空间和毛绒靠垫,实现放松与时尚的完美平衡。 请访问我们的网站 https://www.beaconpeaceoutdoorfurniture.com/ 探索我们的系列并从各种户外露台坐式家具选项中进行选择。或者联系我们的客服获取最新的产品目录和最真诚的服务。我们还有阿里巴巴商店,方便及时沟通和在线支付。我们的商店网址是:https://beaconpeace.en.alibaba.com/。
  • Production Process of Outdoor Furniture Factory -- 01
    Dec 21, 2023
    Beacon Peace Outdoor Furniture is an integrated industrial and trade manufacturer specializing in the production, manufacture and sale of furniture for outdoor use.We have modern production equipment and a professional team dedicated to producing all kinds of outdoor furniture, such as outdoor tables and chairs, outdoor sofas, lounger, parasols, etc. Our outdoor products are widely used in home residences, hotels, resorts, parks, gardens and other outdoor places.   Our production as an outdoor furniture factory usually starts with the procurement of raw materials, such as metal, wood, plastic, etc. The raw materials are then processed into components of various shapes and sizes, such as table tops, chair backs, chair legs, etc. Next, the parts are sprayed, baked, and otherwise processed to increase durability and waterproofing. Finally, the factory performs assembly, packaging and quality inspection before the product is shipped out for sale.   This blog will first introduce the preparation of materials.The outdoor furniture we make now is made of aluminum alloy as the main material, plus outdoor rope, PE rattan, plastic wood, outdoor cloth, textile cloth, teak, glass, HPL board, rock board and other materials. Let’s first talk about the aluminum alloy of outdoor furniture. Aluminum alloy is composed of aluminum, magnesium, and magnesium silicide (Mg2Si). It has good plasticity, weldability, and a certain hardness.   Our aluminum alloy thickness is generally between 1.2 and 1.5 mainly. For aluminum alloy, we generally use the national standard 6063 aluminum alloy. 6063 aluminum alloy is extruded, so there are more choices in terms of pipe shape, and the mold cost is relatively cheaper than special-shaped pipes. If the customer needs to use special-shaped tube styles, the product will generally be more expensive because of the high cost of molds. Moreover, the preparation time for special-shaped pipes also takes longer, which increases the production time.   Since aluminum pipes usually take two weeks to arrive after ordering, and pre-production samples take 8-10 days, as well as the time spent preparing other production materials, our delivery time is generally 45-60 days. Of course, ordering existing styles and quantities will affect the reduction or increase of production time. So if you want to customize, please order it as soon as possible according to your needs. If you want to know our catalog, please feel free to contact us.          
  • Improve quality assurance and comprehensive inspection services to create excellent products
    Jan 04, 2024
    In today's fiercely competitive market environment, high-quality products have become the key for companies to win consumer trust and competitive advantage. In order to ensure the perfect quality of our products, our company, Beacon Peace Outdoor Furniture,  provides full inspection services, aiming to provide comprehensive product inspection and quality assurance, so that customers can feel our standardized production process and high-quality products.   Full inspection services cover all production links, including raw material procurement, production and processing, assembly and packaging. We have a professional inspection team with rich industry experience and expertise to ensure that each process meets high standards of quality requirements. From the inspection of raw materials to the factory inspection of final products, we comprehensively inspect every link to ensure high quality and reliable products.   There are some pictures about pre-production samples of outdoor dining chair. Our QC staff will record each value and it with sales staff so that they can better communicate with customers about the next production step. If the sample is not satisfactory, it can be modified in time to avoid affecting the production time of bulk goods. There are some pictures about bulk goods.  Our QC staff will check each products and take some pictures and videos so our saler can share them with customer to check before shipping.     We will also keep records of packaging and container loading so that customers can understand the progress in real time before transportation.     Full inspection service is an important value-added service provided by our company to customers. We are committed to helping customers create excellent products through comprehensive inspection and quality assurance. We can ensure the quality, reliability and competitiveness of our products to the greatest extent, and achieve business success and sustainable development with our customers. Choose Beacon Peace, choosehigh-quality products and trustworthy partners!   We are a modern furniture supplier with more than ten years of experience, mainly producing outdoor furniture, such as outdoor sofas, outdoor chair and table, sun lounger, umbrella ...Looking forward to cooperating with you
  • Welcome to visit our booth at China International Furniture Fair (CIFF Guangzhou) from March 18th -21st march,2024
    Jan 15, 2024
    Dear Valuable Customers: We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at China International Furniture Fair (CIFF Guangzhou) from March 18th -21st march,2024.   We are one of the suppliers specialized in outdoor furniture manufacturing and exportation.At this exhibition, we will showcase our company's latest products. As a professional supplier with over a decade of experience, we are committed to providing customers with high-quality and innovative solutions, and continuously improving and developing our product line. Our main products are outdoor sofas, outdoor tables and chairs, sun loungers, and so on. You can vistit our website or Alibaba store to know something about us before coming to the fair. Our website:https://www.beaconpeaceoutdoorfurniture.com/ Our Alibaba store:https://beaconpeace.en.alibaba.com/ We believe that our proud design and craftsmanship will bring you an unparalleled user experience at this outdoor furniture exhibition, and our professional team will also answer any questions and provide customized solutions on-site. You will have the opportunity to have face-to-face communication with our team members to gain a deeper understanding of our product features, market trends, and cutting-edge industry information. Your arrival will add luster to our exhibition. We sincerely invite you to participate and share this exciting moment with us. Looking forward to your visit. Please contact us before visiting so that we can arrange everything for you. It will be great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition,we expect to establish a long-term business relatationship with your company in the future.   Best Regards, Beacon Peace Group Limited    Booth Number:10.1C18   Date:March 18th -21st March,2024 Address:Guangzhou Poly Trade Center Exhibition Hall,Hall No.10.1 1000 Xingang Dong Lu, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
  • Realize Your Outdoor Projects: Explore Beacon’s Range of Outdoor Furniture
    Apr 12, 2024
    At Beacon, we invite you to explore our extensive selection of outdoor furniture, meticulously curated to complement any outdoor space. Whether you’re transforming a sprawling backyard or a cozy balcony, we have the perfect pieces to suit your needs.   https://www.beaconpeaceoutdoorfurniture.com/   Our collection boasts a diverse array of designs and sizes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. From expansive outdoor sofas ideal for lounging under the sun to compact dining sets perfect for intimate gatherings, we’ve got you covered. Need furniture specifically tailored to your space? Our customization services are at your disposal, allowing you to create the outdoor scenes of your dreams.   Dive into our catalog and discover everything from sleek outdoor dining tables and chairs to stylish sun loungers and umbrellas. Our commitment to quality means each piece is crafted from premium materials such as solid wood, durable plastic wood, and sturdy metal, ensuring longevity and resilience against the elements.   At Beacon, we’re more than just a supplier of outdoor furniture; we’re your partners in creating the ultimate outdoor projects. Explore our collection today and embark on a journey towards outdoor.
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