

  • Production Process of Outdoor Furniture Factory -- 01 Raw Material Storage Area
    Oct 09, 2024
    Beacon Peace Outdoor Furniture is an integrated industrial and trade manufacturer specializing in the production, manufacture and sale of furniture for outdoor use.We have modern production equipment and a professional team dedicated to producing all kinds of outdoor furniture, such as outdoor tables and chairs, outdoor sofas, lounger, parasols, etc. Our outdoor products are widely used in home residences, hotels, resorts, parks, gardens and other outdoor places.   Our production as an outdoor furniture factory usually starts with the procurement of raw materials, such as metal, wood, plastic, etc. The raw materials are then processed into components of various shapes and sizes, such as table tops, chair backs, chair legs, etc. Next, the parts are sprayed, baked, and otherwise processed to increase durability and waterproofing. Finally, the factory performs assembly, packaging and quality inspection before the product is shipped out for sale.   This blog will first introduce the preparation of materials.The outdoor furniture we make now is made of aluminum alloy as the main material, plus outdoor rope, PE rattan, plastic wood, outdoor cloth, textile cloth, teak, glass, HPL board, rock board and other materials. Let’s first talk about the aluminum alloy of outdoor furniture. Aluminum alloy is composed of aluminum, magnesium, and magnesium silicide (Mg2Si). It has good plasticity, weldability, and a certain hardness.   Our aluminum alloy thickness is generally between 1.2 and 1.5 mainly. For aluminum alloy, we generally use the national standard 6063 aluminum alloy. 6063 aluminum alloy is extruded, so there are more choices in terms of pipe shape, and the mold cost is relatively cheaper than special-shaped pipes. If the customer needs to use special-shaped tube styles, the product will generally be more expensive because of the high cost of molds. Moreover, the preparation time for special-shaped pipes also takes longer, which increases the production time.   Since aluminum pipes usually take two weeks to arrive after ordering, and pre-production samples take 8-10 days, as well as the time spent preparing other production materials, our delivery time is generally 45-60 days. Of course, ordering existing styles and quantities will affect the reduction or increase of production time. So if you want to customize, please order it as soon as possible according to your needs. If you want to know our catalog, please feel free to contact us.          
  • 户外家具的使用范围
    Jan 01, 2023
    现阶段休闲户外家具的使用范围主要是酒店、餐厅、别墅、民用、休闲会所、宾馆、酒楼、度假村、西餐厅、咖啡厅、旅游景区、房地产项目、别墅等高档休闲场所地方。 (休闲广场、酒店、酒吧、私家花园、别墅、草坪、游泳池、海滩、温泉区、咖啡馆、高尔夫球场、度假村、疗养院等休闲娱乐场所)。 
  • 户外家具行业四大材质介绍
    Jan 01, 2023
    不管你喜欢与否,夏天已经来了。 所有花园派对、屋顶狂欢和花园野餐的前提是准备好户外家具。 但想到这里你可能会犹豫,因为说到户外家具,很多问题在你的脑海中爆发——选择什么材料?如何保养呢?会生锈吗?可以使用多久? 别担心,这里有一些户外家具产品最喜欢和最常用的材料,为您的户外生活提供最实用的选择。 铝 是迄今为止户外家具最受欢迎的材料(大多数户外家具都是基于铝制框架)。铝的魅力背后的原因是什么?它很简单,坚固而不笨重,价格也不贵,最重要的是 - 它不会生锈。因此,铝制家具在户外使用非常安全。如果在其表面镀上一层其他颜色,家具就能呈现出各种风格。户外放置的铝制椅子具有质朴的工业美感,让人想起古老的巴黎咖啡馆。维护难度:★☆☆☆☆只需用清水或温和的肥皂水喷洒即可擦去污渍,注意不要刮掉油漆和其他覆盖表面,以免氧化。 钢 比锻铁轻,但仍比铝重。但它的坚固性和稳定性,以及对极端温度的耐受力却是无与伦比的。粉末涂层可防止生锈。它是用作高端家具和酒吧座椅以及复古设计的经典之作。维护难度:★☆☆☆☆只需用湿布快速擦拭并晾干即可。 柚木 是一种容易获得的木材,也是木制庭院家具最受欢迎的材料之一。柚木耐候、结构坚固、纹理美观。柚木的石油自给自足,这是与其他木材相比的独特之处。它也是一种坚硬的木材,因此顶层很难折断或凹陷。即使任其遭受风雨摧残,仍可使用五十年,仍保留美丽的银白色光泽。维护难度:★★★☆☆用温和的肥皂和含有漂白剂和醋的水擦洗。确保使用软毛塑料刷,因为钢丝刷会损坏木材的表面。 锻铁 因其别致的外观和强大的抗风能力而备受推崇。它比铝和钢都重,并且在原始状态下更容易受到恶劣天气的影响。然而,在现代工艺的帮助下,锻铁家具在特殊饰面的保护下可以免受潮湿和生锈的影响。维护难度:★★☆☆☆您只需用软管冲洗锻铁家具,用海绵和肥皂水擦洗,以打圈的方式用力擦去污渍和碎屑,最后冲洗掉泡沫即可。




