

  • Production Process of Outdoor Furniture Factory --12 Quality Inspection
    Jan 09, 2025
    Beacon Peace is an integrated outdoor furniture company, we are committed to designing and producing high quality outdoor furniture to provide customers with a comfortable and elegant leisure environment, we rely on the high quality of products and the reliability of the quality of our products are exported to foreign countries, favored by customers in all regions of the world. At present, our outdoor products mainly include outdoor sofas, outdoor dining tables, garden dining chairs, lounge sun chairs and outdoor garden rocking beds, etc. We have a complete range of products to satisfy customers' needs for outdoor home.   Let me explain the outdoor furniture production inspection process in detail to you over here. First of all, when the spraying line comes out, the inspection workers will transfer the produced products directly to the quality inspection position, after our production, the workers will use the instrument to measure the length and angle of the furniture. Next, workers will test a number of durability tests, including anti-friction test, surface durability test, anti-friction test and furniture gravity test.   During the production process, our designers and quality inspectors work closely together to inspect each step in accordance with the company's quality standards to ensure that every detail is accurate and every part of the product meets the design and production standards.     After the completion of the product, our factory quality inspectors will carry out a final all-round inspection of the product to ensure that no problem is missed, each product, whether it is a functional test, or the appearance of the inspection, need to undergo a careful review before leaving the factory.And if there is no problem in the inspection, it will be directly taken down and stacked aside to prepare to arrange packaging and spraying of defective products   Beacon Peace has always implemented strict quality standards for its products, from the selection of raw materials to the optimization of production processes, we strictly control every detail to ensure that each product meets the highest quality standards, we firmly believe that high-quality products not only bring customers a better experience, but also more for the brand to win the reputation and trust. if you are interested in our products, please contact us.
  • 户外家具材质--藤条
    May 16, 2023
    藤制花园家具 由于其自然美感、强度和灵活性,是户外家具的热门选择。 藤制家具由熟练的工匠编织而成,他们将细藤条交织在一起,创造出复杂的图案。这种技术可以创造出各种风格和设计的家具,包括藤桌椅、藤沙发、藤床和藤配件。 PE藤,又称合成藤,是制作藤制户外家具的材料选择之一。它由一种称为聚乙烯的塑料制成。这种材料非常坚固、重量轻且防水,非常适合室内和室外使用。 PE 藤条也非常柔韧,可以编织成复杂的图案和形状。此外,它有多种颜色可供选择,可以轻松搭配不同的装饰风格。 另一方面,天然藤条是由原产于亚洲、澳大利亚和非洲热带地区的一种棕榈树制成的。它是一种非常坚固耐用的材料,但也很重并且容易受到水的损坏。天然藤条的颜色通常为棕色或米色,具有易于识别的独特纹理。 在保养方面,PE藤比天然藤更容易打理。它可以很容易地用湿布擦拭干净,不需要任何特殊处理来保持其外观。另一方面,天然藤条需要偶尔上油或打蜡,以防止随着时间的推移而干燥和开裂。 总之,虽然PE藤和天然藤都是制作漂亮柳条家具的绝佳材料,但它们有一些明显的区别。 PE藤重量轻、柔韧且易于护理,而天然藤较重,容易受水损坏,需要更多维护。最终,人们普遍认为藤制庭院家具较好的材质是PE藤。 广州灯塔和平家居装饰有限公司 是一家集生产、销售于一体的户外家具供应商。我们还有许多设计藤制花园家具出售。如果您想了解我们的PE藤家具目录或报价,请随时 联系我们.  




